Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Not dead yet...

At least not completely. I still use the sidebar quite frequently myself, and Norm dropped me a line to tell me to add this: http://thetripledeke.blogspot.com/

Check it out if you're a hockey fan.

I'm also adding http://www.ranyontheroyals.com/. It's a great blog about true baseball fan suffering. It also talks about teams that aren't better suited for AAA once in a great while.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Please, please, please. When you have the bases loaded, two outs, full count, and the winning run on third, do not, I repeat, do not walk the guy. Groove a 85 mile per hour fastball down the middle for all I care, just make the guy beat you. Yes, it was a bad call, but don't give the ump the chance to blow it. Make it happen.

This public service announcement brought to you by a fan of the Milwaukee Brewers. I really hope I don't have to use the "ranting" tag again any time soon, as I've had to go to it the last two days.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hey, look, a post!

Yes, I do that occasionally. This one will even have some content!

I love me my football. I love me my CFL, too. Don't ask why. It's just the way I am.

I'm just going to spend a second bitching about the Bombers, and why they don't sign a kicker that, I dunno, doesn't miss three extra points, causing his team to lose to highly rated LSU by a point in Louisiana. Yes, I know he's gotten better since then. Still, I'll never be able to shake the fact that he once was so shaken, he ended up doing that.

Tonight, he missed a 48 yarder in one of the toughest stadiums in the CFL, and the Bombers lost by two. Not an easy kick to make, by any means. And yet, I had no faith whatsoever that he'd make it. None. He's also taking up an import slot, which in the CFL, means that he's non-Canadian. Imports are a little over half the roster. Filling the spot with a Canadian gives the Bombers more flexibility on signing another American, for any position anywhere.

Eh, who am I kidding? They'll stick it out with him until it becomes well too late to matter.