Norm can rest easy. Cam, on the other hand, had better get his ass updating his blog again.
Job search continues fruitlessly, but Spherion has me doing a small bit at Netflix that could grow. They also have a state job they may or may not get any time soon, so here's hoping.
Really pushing the USFL stuff lately, getting pictures off of a vast array of DVD's I now own. That's what's been making the USFL site and the new Stars site look pretty. I wish someone would pay me to do this, I'd gladly do 8 hours a day of storyline work. Someone, anyone? :D
Brewers start in just under 2 weeks, and I can't say I'm terribly thrilled. This year's gonna be tougher than last year, no doubt.
Hey Cam, your team's a bunch of slackers. I put up 8 more points than you did on Washington. :D
Speaking of the big guy, May 9th through the 18th, he "graces us" with his presence. That's got the potential to be a hell of a lot of fun.
That be it, that be all that's on my mind at the moment. Oh yeah. Hey NFL, stop living up to the No Fun League moniker. It doesn't suit you well.